Thursday, February 4, 2010

Baxter is Lost in DC/Chevy Chase!

Baxter, a scared rescue dog fresh off of a transport, escaped his overnight foster's home on Wednesday 2/3/2010. He is a 30 lb yellow lab mix who is very scared around people so don't approach if you see him. He has been seen multiple times in the area of Fessenden, Everett, Reno, Nebraska, and 36th Street.

Right now we're trying to spread the word to as many people as possible. If you know anybody in the area please send them the flyer and ask if they are able to help.

We're going to need a lot of help flyering the area and setting up feeding stations, so if you're in the area and can help let us know. Let's bring this guy back to safety!


  1. I have some ready-made Do's & Don'ts for sighters and searchers -- just substitute Griffy's name with Baxter's. Hope this helps:

  2. Don't chase,,, but might come to food. Sit low to ground,,,

  3. I am on my way down to the area,, but will lose email in 10 minutes. How can I help?

  4. pat;'s cell number 703 608-1144

  5. Thanks Nancy! I'll fix that up later tonight and get it posted.

    Pat - sorry I missed you! I wasn't expecting people to find the blog so quickly. Are you in the area regularly? We can always use help flyering.

  6. I can make posters myself bu I live over an hour away ,,,, whose name are we putting on for the call?

